
Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room At A Time

Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time by Tisha Morris My rating: 5 of 5 stars Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation. Description Awaken to the energetic connections between you and your home. When you make conscious changes to your living space, you can transform your life and uncover your soul. Unlike other books of its kind, Mind, Body, Home presents your home as an integral component to holistic living. From foundation to roof, this essential guide correlates every component of your house with its physical, mental, or emotional counterpart in you. Your home becomes a reflection of you, and being more in tune with your home's energy will allow you to make positive changes in your life. Open the door to the heart of your home and discover a whole new way of seeing and living within it!   Review Most books that I have read about using Feng Shui to transform the ene

Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions & Powders from Everyday Ingredients

Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions & Powders from Everyday Ingredients by Michael Furie My rating: 5 of 5 stars Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation. Description The tools of magic don't have to be expensive or difficult to find—they're right in your supermarket aisles! This easy-to-use book provides clear instructions for working simple and powerful spells—with only common ingredients. Perfect for Witches and all practitioners of natural and herbal magic, this essential guide explains all the basics of magic including ethics, meditation, timing, and basic charging techniques. There are clear instructions for working a wide variety of simple and powerful spells: clearing and cleaning, increasing harmony, healing, love, lust, beauty, luck money, protection, and honing psychic abilities. Discover how to whip up magical brews, powders, and oils using inexpensive

Review - Gentlemen Prefer Mischief

Disclaimer:  I received this book free from SOURCEBOOKS Casablanca in exchange for an honest review.  I did not receive any form of compensation. Delightfully wicked read!  Emily Greenwood has created characters that will have you laughing at their antics. This is the first book that I have read by Emily Greenwood.  She had previously written A Little Night Mischief.  I definitely want to get my hands on that book. Lily Teagarden has had a rough life.  Her mother died when she was only 12 and her father relied on her to run the household.  This led Lily to become a stick-in-the-mud.  Hal decides that it should be his mission to change that.   Even though Lily is very rigid in certain ways of thinking, other things she does will have you laughing hysterically.  I loved how she was covering for the Fiend so Hal wouldn't discover the truth.  Oh and let's not forget all the craziness involving Lily's diary. I read this book in just one sitting.  I hope that Emily plans on bring

Full Catastrophe Living

Description Stress. It is everywhere around us. Even worse, it gets inside us: sapping our energy, undermining our health, and making us more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and disease. Now, based on Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s renowned mindfulness-based stress reduction program, this groundbreaking book shows you how to use natural, medically proven methods to soothe and heal your body, mind, and spirit. By using the practices described within, you can learn to manage chronic pain resulting from illness and/or stress related disorders…discover the roles that anger and tension play in heart disease… reduce anxiety and feelings of panic…improve overall quality of life and relationships through mindfulness meditation and mindful yoga. More timely than ever before , Full Catastrophe Living is a book for the young and the old, the well, the ill, and anyone trying to live a healthier and saner life in today’s world. Jon Kabat-Zinn , Ph.D ., is the founding director of the Stress Reduction

Review - Presidential Picture Stories

Disclaimer:  I received this book free from Brack Books in exchange for an honest review.  I did not receive any form of compensation. Whether you are love history or a photography buff, this book is definitely one to pick up and cherish. This book takes a look at the White House photographers throughout the years.  Many of them have taken photographs that will always be burned in our brains as part of US history and culture.  Everyone has seen the iconic picture of Abraham Lincoln that was taken by Matthew Brady.  However, did you know that during the civil war, Brady was out in the thick of the battles with his "mobile" dark room and his camera attempting to capture that part of history on film.  Not only was he doing this, but Lincoln basically gave Brady the first ever press pass. This is just one example of behind the scenes history that you will learn while reading this book.  And let's not forget being able to see memorable pictures of each presidency since then.  

Review–The Battle Over Marriage

Disclaimer: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any form of compensation. Anyone who has been following politics and social reform issues for the past decade is aware of the ongoing fight to legalize same sex marriages.  Not only in the US, but in other countries as well.  One of the biggest proponents for allowing this tidal wave of change is the media.  And not just mainstream media either.  Social media plays an important part as well. This book focuses on how the media has played an active role in allowing people’s views to come forward about same sex marriage and to help gas up the engines of change.  But this book is so much more then that.  It also showcases the Gay Rights movement from the very beginnings.  Some of the pieces that are portrayed in it are heart wrenching.  While others are heart warming.   If you ever wanted to read a history of the Gay Rights movement and how media played a role in its progress, then

Merry Humbug Christmas

Description A Merry Humbug Christmas features two holiday romance novellas from hilarious and heartwarming author Sandra D. Bricker. -- the perfect gift to yourself or someone else at this most wonderfully stressful time of year. In "Once Upon a Jingle Bell," A Bah! Humbug cruise to the Mexican Riviera is Joss Snow’s answer to this year’s quest to avoid the holidays completely; at least until she’s rebooked on a different kind of cruise altogether. Candy canes, holly wreaths, reindeer and ornaments seem to be stalking her on the 12 Days of Christmas holiday cruise extravaganza. An escape back to land is her only goal . . . until she meets a kindred spirit in rugged Irishman Patrick Brenneman, and then the game is on! Avoid Christmas festivities at all costs . . . except maybe for that one stop under the mistletoe. In "It Came Upon a Midnight Deer," Reese’s guilt over abandoning best friend Joss on their holiday tradition of avoiding all things Christmas is tru